Deactivating Padvish Serial Number From Website (Without Access to System)


  1. I have reset the phone and now installed the Padvish but I cannot activate the serial number. What should I do?
  2. I have changed Windows and Padvish anti-virus is not activated. It shows the “Maximum Activation Count Reached on This Serial” error. How can I fix this error?
  3. I have formatted my previous Hard Disk and I want to re-activate the Padvish serial number.


Sometimes it is necessary to deactivate the Padvish Serial number, but there is no access to the system that padvish is installed.

For example, the previous Hard Disk of the system is burnt, or you have formatted the Windows or changed your phone and now you realized that you have lost the Padvish serial number and it is not possible to activate it on the new system. (because the serial number was activated on the previous system)

In this situation, you can deactivate the Padvish serial number by your account on the Amnpardaz website.

Note that this is only possible twice for each serial number
  1. First, log in to the site with your account, if you are not logged in. (Login page)
  2. Then got to the “Registered Products” page. (Link)
  3. If you registered your serial number correctly, your serial number will be revealed on this page. Click on the link “Details”
    • Note: if you have not registered your serial number yet, register it from the “Registered Products” page. (Link). Then go to the next step by clicking on the Detail link.
  4. On the Detail page, you can view which system(s) your serial number is active. (for example for 3 users’ serial number, up to 3 systems are displayed)
  5. By choosing the “Deactivation” option on this page, your serial number will be deactivated.
  6. After this step, you can use this serial number inside the anti-virus software and activate it.
Note that this is only possible twice for each serial number

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