This page lists the Change log of 1.2 series of Padvish Audit from the latest to the first version.
Accuracy of error log and error number in the results returned to McAp (Amnpardaz Service Desk) to facilitate the debugging process
Added a built task error number into the Padvish management console
- Automatic grouping
Fixing auto-grouping bug: After applying the auto-grouping settings, if we had Push Installing the audit agent, the client was not included in the target group.
Client information
Fixed the bug of not recognizing the 32-bit or 64-bit operating system after Push Installing Padvish audit agent on the client
Improving client system ID recognition: In systems with multiple network cards, if the order of the network cards is changed, and if without deleting the Windows agent, the system is changed, it will change the system ID, and a new agent is added to the console with a new ID.
Showing MAC address of Padvish audit network card in the «Client Information» section from the «Installed Applications» tab
Detecting the Windows 11 Edition in Managed Computers section of the Padvish Management server Console
Fixing the bug of not displaying the build number and not connecting the Audit client to the Padvish Management Server
The first version of the series 1.2
The above version is the first released version of the Padvish audit version 1.2 and changes to the latest version