This page shows Change log for Enterprise Padvish Mail Gateway, versions of 2/1 series in Chronological order.
- New features
- Adding a dashboard tab including the following charts:
- Clients with the highest number of emails sent
- Clients with the highest number of received email
- Domains with the highest number of messages sent
- Domains with the highest number of received messages
- Email status
- Clients with the highest number of sending spam emails
- Clients with the highest number of sending malware file
- Number of incoming Spam emails by date
- Number of outgoing Spam emails by date
- The number of quarantined files
- Date of Updating the Database
- Blocking Domain, IP and email address used to send and receive emails
- List of Clients and the displaying the number of Clients
- Activating and deactivating user accounts
- PMG Status option is added in the settings section to display the following information:
- Padvish engine version
- Database history
- Database version
- Status of connection to Padvish Management Console
- The number of cores and their usage percentage
- The total RAM capacity, RAM usage and its percentage
- The total storage capacity, used storage and its percentage
- The feature of preventind sending attachments with certain file types
- The feature of sending and receiving information to and from the cloud server
- “From” and “To” fields are added to “Quarantine” section
- The feature of searching is added to “Quarantine” section
- Initialize PMG settings through database
- “Required Score and High Score” fields are added to adjust SPAM sensitivity
- The Feature of determining the maximum size of email attachment, to be scanned for spam detection.
- “Sender Policy Framework” settings are added.
- “Helo Reject” policy options are added
- “Mail From Reject” policy options are added
- The feature of determining the maximum e-mail size with attachment: this number should be in accordance with the size of the Mail Box on the e-mail server.
- The feature of specifying the size of smaller parts of email attachments for faster scanning
- The feature of changing and deleting default system settings
- A calendar is added to set dates for filtering dashboard data
The first version 2/1
The initial release of the 2/1 series is presented on this page, outlining the changes in comparison to the 1.300.106.112 version.”