Tips for Installing Padvish on a System with Deep Freeze Software

Faronics Deep Freeze is widely used in organizations with shared systems due to its features. However, installing antivirus software on systems running Deep Freeze presents unique challenges. This guide provides tips and tricks for installing antivirus on such systems.

Many software applications, including antivirus, require storing certain information on the host workstation, such as daily updates and system incident reports. Restoring the system to its previous state daily can lead to the loss of this crucial information. This issue is common to all antivirus software, not just Padvish.



It is important to note that if Padvish is installed and managed by the Padvish Management Server, recorded logs on the client may be deleted after each system restore, but reports can still be saved and monitored through centralized management.


To minimize the above outcomes, consider implementing one of the following solutions:

  1. Thaw Space
    •  Use the  Thaw Space feature in Deep Freeze to create a virtual drive and install the antivirus on that drive. Be aware that this method may expose the virtual drive to users, posing a security risk. For installing Padvish on a drive other than the C drive, a special version is available. Contact Padvish Technical Support to obtain this version.
  2. Using Similar Software
    • Consider using alternative software that offers the ability to exclude specific folders or files. With such software, you can exclude the antivirus folder to preserve its data across different days. Note that Padvish Antivirus has a self-protection feature, preventing users from accessing the folder where the antivirus is installed.
  3. Standard Installation Process
    Without utilizing the above methods, follow these steps:

    • De-Freeze the system.
    • Install and activate Padvish Antivirus.
    • Re-freeze the system.
    • Execute the Convert to VDI task for the desired client through the Padvish console.

By applying these measures, the system will receive updates from the Padvish Server after each reboot. With the Padvish Server set as the source for client updates, there is no issue with internet bandwidth consumption.