4 articles General

Padvish Secondary Bundles

Problem In an organizational network, it is often necessary to restrict the execution of certain software for various reasons. For example, communication tools or remote-control applications may need to be blocked across the network. Solution 1 – Application Control Using the Application Control feature in the Padvish console, administrators can define a list of programs…

Someone Emailed Me From My Address That I Had Been Hacked And I Had To Deposit Bitcoin! What Should I Do?

Problem I have got an email to follow the title and text that has been emailed through my address. How this is possible? Is my computer hacked? Is my email been hacked? Is my system infected with Trojan? What do I need to do? Examples Ex No.1 Subject: <email@example.com> is hacked From: <email@example.com> To: <email@example.com>…