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Microsoft DWM service vulnerabilities

Identification: CVE-2021-28310 CVSS: 7.8 of 10 Risk factor: high Type of vulnerability: privilege escalation Type of the bug: writing outside of the range in dwmcore.dll It’s a “privilege escalation” type of vulnerability in the Microsoft DWM service with a vulnerability score of 7.8. Thy duty of the DWM service is to manage windows of different…

7 New DNS vulnerabilities

On March 10, 2021, Microsoft released security patches for 7 new DNS‌ vulnerabilities 5 of them were remote code execution (RCE), and 2 of them were in the denial of service type (DoS). Due to the importance of the server’s DNS, the high severity of five of these vulnerabilities (9.8 out of 10), it is…

Microsoft Exchange Server Zero-day Vulnerability

Zero-day Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft announced in its latest update that it has fixed several zero-day vulnerabilities that are used in targeted attacks to infiltrate Exchange servers, and thus access to companies’ critical Mailbox and government, medical, academic centers, etc. In addition to accessing important emails, hackers drop other malware on the system…

SolarWinds Orion Backdoor Infection

General description Type: BackDoor Malware Malware names: Backdoor.Win32.SunBurst BackDoor.SiggenNET Trojan.MSIL / Solorigate Degree of destruction: average Prevalence: average What is Backdoor Malware? Backdoor malware is a program that allows hackers to bypass the system’s security mechanism and provide various sources of that system to hackers. Hackers can use this method to enter the system without authentication and do not…

How To Get Rid Of Spider Malware

Issue According to the Padvish team, spider malware came to the fore intending to extort money from victims, and it can transmit through portable drives (Flash Drives). Symptoms of spider virus infection The malware displays the following message on your system: Your system is infected with a spider virus. All your system drives at the…